Sunday, 30 June 2013

Game of Thrones Exhibit (Belfast)

About two weeks ago I went to Belfast specifically to see the last day of the Game of Thrones exhibit. I wasn't sure what to expect but I knew that I've lived in Ireland for 2 years and had yet to visit Belfast. What could've been a better excuse? Anyway, here are a few pictures I took. I'm not the best photographer and it doesn't help when you have about 50 people in a small room crowding around every area you decide to venture off to. 

Below you will find....

Stark and Lannister Costumes, Misc. Items (including Dragon Eggs, and the Hound's Helmet), Wildling/Night's Watch Costumes/props, and finally Ned Stark's head and me on the Iron Throne. 

Just so ya know, it's very hard to look/feel in control or imposing on the Iron throne when your feet don't touch the floor. Short people problems...

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